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A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself -- is me.

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Khamis, 3 Februari 2011

Finally , sampai ke Lumut jugakkk

yess , finally ,
encik Siong Trueno sampai jugee ke Lumut ,
wah3 , sgat terharuuu ..

encik Siong call pagi pagi ,
pukul 8 , (selame niee tak pernah kol pagi pagi melainkan pergi kelas pagi)
then he told me , yg dia tak jadi mai Lumut ,
disebabkan tgah mamai ,
lantakk lahh tak jadii pon ,

bile dah bangon around pukul 10.30 camtuu ,
teringatt balek ape yg encik Siong cakap ,
truss text tye die btol ke tak jadi mai ,
no reply ~~~

okayy , then sekali lagi call   *tak egat lah pukul berape kan
tak angkat , then he call me back , and said 'dah sampai pantai remis'
hee ~~ smile comes up to my lips .
and wait for him .

then tggu punyee tggu , finally dia dah samapi Teluk Batik .
yeehaaaa !
got to go !
meet my dear lovers !

bila masokk jee jalan nak p Teluk Batik tuu ,
amekk kauu ! berderet kereta ! tak putus putus ,
MAMPOSSS ! macam mane nak kuar nanti ,
*ekceli my sys yg drive

then she drop me there , n balekk ,
pegii date sat ngan Encik Siong ,
jalan jalan kat Teluk Batik tuu ,
ade lahh dalam sejam setengah ,

my sys call , nak balek ke tak ,
kalau tak nak balek nanti suruh Encik Siong hantar balek umah ,
gilee , helmett tadokkk !

then then , suruh Cik Siong hantar sampai bas stand kat luar jalan nak masok Teluk BAtik tuu ,
dia pon hantar lahh , tgok tgok kereta tak sampai pon jalan keluar lagii ,
pergghhh , selame sejam setengah my sys stuck kat situu ,
kesiann gilaa ,
tobattt ! tak mai dah !

HAHA , itu shaja .

p/s : ouhh , no picture uploaded in this entry . Thank You ;)

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